Sunday, March 8, 2009

This is so real!

last night i dreamt of making sushi.. that shows how i really want to eat sushi to death! anita was in the dream talking about the my owesome-ness of making sushi.. haha..

Successfully Swapped
this morning i successfully swapped my MUSIC 101 to LANGTCHG 202...

Reason 1: Design Theathre (where the music class is held) and Fisher Building (where most of my classes are held) is quite a distance. i have to run here and there like mad to catch so many classes. so, the tendency of being late is very high. just now i made a new decision by taking langtchg 202 as my elective and Jackie gave me the greenlight. next sem i'm going to study LANGTCHG 300.. isn't that cool?

Reason 2: last week in my music class, there was one girl sitting next to me. she smelled... ehemm.. didn't she take her shower?.. i couldn't stand the smell for the whole hour. ok, this should be the best reason.. haha


  1. tu subjek language teaching ker??

    nyway..btol ar ak tulis psl omputih tak suke mandi sebab sejuk kt UK nih..wahahaha..dasar omputih..smpai ke NZ pon tak mandi nk kutuk2 ni ak rase bek ko taip BM jer..kang tetibe die view kang..huhuh

  2. haah... mst die xingt aku punye... sesape pon bleh jd org itu.. haha

    ade je air panas klo nk mandi..., huhu


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