Saturday, February 21, 2009

Here In Auckland

just arrived in Auckland New Zealand yesterday around 1245 nz time or 4 am sumthng Msia time. Auckland is a nice place, it's windy 24 hours and drizzles many times (even when it's sunny)... now it's end of summer in Nz but the temperature is quite low but comfortable enough to walk around. so far everything here is just walking distance. the prices of stuffs here are ok.

got a lot of things to settle here.. huhu.. so i cant write too much.. enjoy some of the pics.. we didnt really walk around on the first day coz we arrived quite late and we had to do... the check in and stuffs like that... the shops close at five but some shops later than that.. oh in summer it gets dark at 8 sumthing here so its okay to walk during that time and the sun rises early here.. (i dont know wat time coz when i woke up at 615am, it's already bright like 7 am in msia.. huhu)

so enjoy sum of the pics during our journey from msia to auckland...


  1. woootzz..sgt cantek gamba kt luar tingkap flight..berbaloi ko dok tepi tingkap..huhu..anyway selamat menghadapi jet lag..huhu..

  2. yeay fikri dah smpai oklen!!
    amik gmbr manyak2 tau hehehehe

  3. khirol :haha.. itu pasti

    azar: haha.. btol2.. rimas aku duduk 10 jam..

  4. byknye barang2 ko fikri...brape beg ko bawak?

  5. beg aku 3 je.. yg merah 2 fatin punye.. haha

  6. ak prasan sumting..
    illie ngn chunna memg suka menyelit gmbr ko kan..


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